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Turris OS 5.4 has been released

Aug. 9, 2022

This release brings less fixes and new features than other minor releases like 5.3 because we are dedicating more time to bringing you Turris OS 6.0 as soon as possible.

PHP 7.4

PHP packages have been updated to version 7.4. If you are not using your own custom php applications or scripts, this shouldn't be an issue for you. If you are using it, there is a small chance that you are using functionality that changes with this update.

Nextcloud 21

* performance improvements
* new collaborative application Whiteboard

For more information about this update, visit the announcement on the Nextcloud blog.

Fixed ReForis session handling when time is wrong

Previously, if the RTC battery was not working and the router was not connected to Internet to get the correct date with NTP, the browser was rejecting cookies with an old date from ReForis which resulted in unpredictable behaviour. Now this is fixed, but replacing your RTC battery if it's not in a good shape is still a good idea. You can find where the RTC battery is on your model in the documentation in the Hardware section.

This fix was contributed by a community member László Várady. Thank you for your contribution!

And many more smaller updates and fixes. For more detailed information about the changes in 5.4, visit the changelog.